Sunday, December 13, 2009

Gene Link to Smoking Risk

Researchers from the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel have discovered a genetic glitch that makes certain smokers up to ten times more likely to develop lung cancer than others.
According to a study published in the US Journal of the National Cancer Institute, some smokers have less ability to repair smoking-related damage to DNA. Unrepaired DNA can trigger cancer.
Scientist focused on an enzyme called OGG that normally “deletes” the parts of DNA damaged by the toxic molecules in tobacco smoke and developed a blood test to measure OGG activity. Smokers with the genetic risk factor were found to be 5 to 10 times more likely to develop cancer than smokers with normal DNA repair activity.

Are there GOOD and BAD carbs?

TRADITIONALLY , starches (think bread or rice) were considered “good” because they take longer to digest than the simple sugars in sweets – the so called “bad” sugar. But more recent research has shown that certain starches, such as those you find in processed breads and most commercial breakfast cereals, offer little nutritional advantage over simple sugars.
Our bodies convert these starches to glucose at such high speed that in terms of the “sugar high” you get from them you may as well be eating pure sugar. You should never also assume that ‘wholemeal’ means unprocessed. Instead, look for bread that contains whole grains.

Why are some carbs less fatening?

In theory, all carbs should be equally fattening. But the body doesn’t use all carbs in the same way. For example, the unfermentable carbohydrates in celery fibre don’t get digested in the stomach. Instead, along with the other fibre-based carbs, they “slip through” the body’s digestive system before they can turn into love handles.
The proportion of carbs in a food also has a bearing on how ‘fattening’ the food is. So fruits such as apples, with their high water content, do less damage to your hips than an equal weight of sweets, cereal or pasta.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Good night readers..

Just before you head to your slumber..
There’s something I would like to share..

What does a good night sleep means to you?
Sleeping from pm to am and to pm?
If this is your answer.. pls think again..

A good night sleepmeans waking up rested and energized. A healthy adult needs between six – eight hours of sleep, according to Dr Ravi Seshadri, a sleep expert and clinical director of MD Specialist Healthcare at the Paragon Medical Centre in Singapore. However, too much sleep in adults may cause several health disease.

The amount of sleep takes to rejuvenate varies from person to person. Therefore, is not the length of sleep is important but the quality of sleep is the factor. After a prolonged period of losing sleep, it turns to sleep debt and recovery will take much longer than the actual hours lost. Losing a couple of hours of sleep for several nights is enough for you to recover.

Do you know how many people have sleep troubles?
Let me tell you, a recent AC Nielsen poll found that 40percent of Asians go to bed only after midnight. According to Gallop International’s World-wide Sleep Index M’sians Sleep only 6 hr n 36min.

Dear Readers,

Do you know how important is a good night sleep? Sleep is imperative to maintain your health. Without it, you might increase a array of health problems, including stroke, obesity, diabetes and etc. not getting enough sleep can also compromise your immune system. Immune system works best when you’re asleep. This is when your natural killer cells are produced (part of immune system).

Insufficient sleep may affect 3 hormones that can contribute to obesity. 1st, leptin, an appetite suppressing hormone found in our fat and its levels are regulated during sleep. Then, there’s ghrelin, which triggers appetite and increases with deprivation. Our bodies then produce more of the stress hormone cortisol, which increases fat storage.

Tips for a better sleep

- make sure your room is quiet and your bed is comfortable.
- Get up and go to bed at the same time everyday.
- Limit your caffeine consumption and nicotine use.
- Eat dinner atleast 2 – 3hrs before bedtime- it’s more difficult to fall asleep during night if your body is still breaking down the food you ate. However, a light snack before bedtime may be helpful.
- Exercise regularly. Physical activity done early in the day may promote deeper, better quality sleep. Too vigorous exercise just before bedtime may delay sleep.

If you have trouble getting sleep or staying asleep:

- Don’t toss and turn for longer than half an hour – get up and do something calming such as reading.
- Develop a relaxing presleep ritual – have a glass of warm milk or herbal tea or take a warm bath.
- Get treatment for any medical problems that may contribute to sleep troubles, such as sleep apnea and restless leg syndrome.

Myths and Facts About Organ Donation

There’s something I would personally share with all readers about some myths and rumours about organ donation. I believe there are lots of people out there would love to help, but they are not sure about their question in mind. I believe these are some common myth that restricted people from being an organ donor.

Myth 1 – Doctors won’t try to save your live if they know you are a donor.

Fact 1 - False, the medical staff trying to save lives is completely different from the transplant team. The question of organ donation will arise only after all efforts to your life have been exhausted.

Myth 2 – People can still recover from brain death.

Fact 2 - People can recover from comas, but not brain death. Both are not the same. Brain death is final.

Myth 3 – I am too old to donate organ.

Fact 3 - People of all ages can donate organs and tissue. Physical condition, not age, is important factor in determining if organs can be used.

Myth 4 – Organ donation will disfigure me and delay my funeral

Fact 4 - False, the organ are removed in sterile operation undertaken by skilled surgeons. The donor is treated at utmost respect and dignity. When the procedure is finished, the wound is closed just like ordinary operation. The entire process is done quickly to preserve the organ and will therefore not delay a funeral.

Myth 5 – organ donation is against my religion.

Fact 5 - all major religions support organ donation as a selfless, charitable act.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Slow down people… Appreciate life

Stress stress stress STRESS!!! With all the heavy load of jobs, running a hectic lifestyle.. made people stress. Not only adults in the working society, as well as kids these days, are also experiencing overloaded stress for kids.

Stress maybe common in today’s world, however, it may lead to chronic stress. Stress itself may subside after some time when a person relaxes. However, chronic stress is continuing constantly with stress. Chronic stress will lead to sharp rising of blood pressure, stiffen arteries, suppress a person’s immune system, heighten the risk of diabetes, depression and Alzheimer’s disease.

Researchers have discovered that the sensation of being highly stress can rewire the brain in ways that promote its sinister persistence. The brain is a very resilient and plastic organ. Dendrites and synapses retract and reform, and remodeling can occur throughout life.

Nuno Sousa of the Life and Health Sciences Research Institute at the University of Minho in Portugal and his colleagues used rats to test the theory that when stress, the brain keeps us in the cycle over and over again. They said chronically-stressed rats lost their elastic rat cunning and instead fell back on familiar routines and rote responses. For example, compulsively pressing a bar for food pellets. On the other hand, the brain region is associated with executive decision-making and goal-directed behaviour had shriveled, while conversely, brain sectors linked to habit formation had bloomed.

Those chronically-stressed animals were then compared with non-stressed peers. The stressed rats had no trouble learning a task like pressing a bar to get a food pellet or a squint of sugar water, but they had difficulty deciding when to stop pressing the bar, as normal rats easily did.

This is similar to human. A normal working adult know when to work and when to rest, but for chronically stressed working adult, they wouldn’t know when to get some rest, they will only feel comfortable when they are working, therefore, they cant stop working, or keep themselves busy.

Toxic Candles

Pampering yourself in a bath tub with nice scent of candles… how relaxing… but WAIT….

Think again, what are these candles made of?

A new study had revealed that these smoke produced by scented candles is laced with toxins that can linked to various disease, such as cancer, asthma and eczema. They also stated that odd candles is unlikely to do any harm, but we should avoid using them day after day in bathrooms and other poorly ventilated rooms.

Researchers from South Carolina State University burnt a range of candles in the laboratory, they collected and tested the substances given off. They found that candles made of paraffin wax are the most harmful as it release chemicals such as toluene and benzene.

However, Beewax and soy candles are safe from the health aspect, but they are much more expensive.

So, the next time you want to light up scented candles, make sure they are not harmful.

Ps: paraffin wax is a byproduct of the petroleum

Beware of Heartburn

A condition called Barrett’s oesophagus that results heart burn. This is where repeated exposure to stomach acid causes changes in the lining of the eosophagus (gullet) that can lead to cancer.

This condition follows the rule of 10s, which means one in 10 of the population has problems with heartburn (Britain), and will develop Barrett’s, and will go on to develop cancer of the eosophagus.

This abnormality that responsible for heart burn is a malfunction of the valve where the gullet joins the stomach – a problem that is particularly common in the obese and in people over the age of 35.

The stomach has a layer of slime that protects it against its own digestive juice, which are as strong as battery acid. But the eosophagus does not have such defense mechanism and if acid travels back through the defective valve (reflux) then it burns the delicate gullet lining, causing the characteristic symptoms of heartburn.

Reflux can happen without any symptoms but not for middle-aged man and women where they will experience discomfort behind his or her breast bone, oftn worse after meals or when lying flat in bed.

Barrett’s oesophagus is probably a defense mechanism and are thought to be the gullet’s attempt to protect itself. While the new lining may be more resistant to acid and it is also more likely to turn cancerous.


8000 cases of eosophagus cancer diagnosed in Britain every year, 70% will cause death within a year of diagnosis. This is due transition form Barrett’s to cancer is slow.

Test and Diagnosis

Currently, the only way to diagnose it is to do an endoscopy and directly visualize and biopsy suspicious looking areas. However, this method is not practical to everyone.

The Medical Research Council Cancer Cell Unit at Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge came up with a test known as the Sponge Test. This method is to swallow a capsule attached to a piece of string. After a few minutes the capsule dissolves to release a small sponge which can then be withdrawn and tested for the molecular features associated with Barrett’s. However, this test is still on trial.

Love Your Liver

Dear Readers,

Do you know what does liver contribute in our body? Liver is the most detoxification organ. The state of your liver determines the health of your entire body.

Just imagine, liver is like a sponge – when its full of dirty water, it will not be able to absorb additional clean water. Likewise, when a liver is saturated with toxins, it will not be able to carry out vital tasks to filter and excrete unwanted substances. Hence, toxins stay in our body wreak havoc in our metabolism and immunity.

When do you need to detoxify your liver?

Start listening to your body when it giving you these signals:

~ Frequent, unexplained headache

~ Respiratory problems, sinus problems or asthma

~ Abnormal body odour, bad breath or coated tongue

~ Food allergies, poor digestion or chronic constipation with intestinal bloating or gas

~ Brittle nails and hair, bags under the eyes

~Unusually poor memory, chronic insomnia, depression

~ Mental confusion

~ Yellowish tint to the skin, liver spots on the skin, itchiness, psoriasis, adult acne, poor hair texture, and slow hair growth

What you should do?
Recent experiment has shown that chlorella helps in liver cleansing and detoxification.

Chlorella is a unique single-celled fresh water green algae. Being a whole food, chlorella contains a balance of nutrients and co-factors beneficial to overall restoration and maintenance of health. It contains high concentration of chlorophyll, nucleic acids, amino acids, enzymes, vitamins and minerals. Chlorella has the ability to neutralize or remove poisonous substances from the body. The powerful detoxification ability of chlorella is attributed to its unique “cracked” cell wall. This “cracked” cell wall has the capacity to bind with heavy metals, pesticides and toxins and carry these substances safely out of the body.

Several experiments have shown that:

~ It cleanses the liver of toxins, heavy metals and unwanted substances.

~ Stimulates a protective effect on the liver from toxic injury, as shown by its resistance to damage by toxins

~ Strengthens liver functions in filtering and removing toxins and unwanted substances

~ Aids the body in breaking down persistent hydrocarbon and metallic toxins such as mercury, cadmium and lead. It has the unique property of picking up toxins from its surroundings and holding onto them, as shown by numerous research findings in the US and Europe.


Do you know what is Corpus Luteum?

What is Corpus Luteum?

It is a type of ovarian cyst, whereby fluid is collected within the ovary and is surrounded by a thin wall. They will occur at the end of a women’s menstrual cycle. This type of cyst occur when an egg is released from the follicle. It usually found during an ultrasound scan or during routine pelvic exam.


Usually cyst exist without exhibit any symptoms. It can occur in women of any age but most often affect women who are in their childbearing years. Ranging size from 2cm – 6 cm or more in diameter.


In some cases, corpus luteum cyst may expand by filling with blood or liquid and attach itself to the ovary. However, the corpus luteum cyst may still exhibit no symptoms, but it may grow, bleed or twist the ovary. Therefore, it will cause pain in the pelvis or the abdomen and may require surgery.

Corpus luteum cyst also have the potential to rupture, which would cause sudden and sharp pain and some internal bleeding.

What you should and shouldn’t

In most cases, daily activities can still be maintained and the women’s life will not be affected. Medical professionals may recommend avoiding sex until the cyst has resolved itself, because sex may cause a corpus luteum cyst to rupture. Otherwise, you should discuss any questions or concern with a medical professional to understand more about it.

Facts about ovarian cyst.

Ovarian cysts are harmless and benign
Varies in size. It usually ranged from pea to grapefruit-sized

Dear readers,

I have recently diagnosed with corpus luteum cyst which situated in the ovary. The function of corpus lutuem is to release mature follicle ( egg ) from the ovary into the uterus every month for fertilization. If fertilization occurs, corpus luteum will continue to supply nutrient to the egg untill is fully embed into the uterus wall. Corpus luteum will then degenerate after placenta is fully develop and able to supply nutrient to the growing embryo.

However, if fertilization did not occur, corpus luteum will eventually degenerates. In my case, it didn't, as much as it continue to grow, fluid begin to accumulate and it grow bigger, blood pool is also acumulated inside. As i mentioned corpus luteum cyst is harmless. It will subside within 3 weeks, as well as the range of size. In my case, it did not subside, it grow more than a normal range (5.24 by 5.36 cm in diameter) resulting it to rupture and this is very dangerous.

From my experience, i did not felt massive pain, is only when in the toilet, and after food the pain will contract. By right, information given from doctor saying that i should have massive or even unexplained terrible pain due to the rupture cyst. Well, i guess i have been blessed from the god. Therefore, surgery had to be done right a way, before the blood pool spread into other organ.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Have u heard of Water Birth?

The Gentle Birthing Group (GBG) is a newly set up informal group of mothers who wish to have the option to birth their babies naturally, without being pressured to accept unnecessary intervention. This is because more women are opting for natural deliveries such as water births.

Question asked : how safe is this medical intervention and liberal nature in which they are administered during labour?

Answer : In vaginal deliveries, women are prescribed with medication or drugs, to make childbirth a less painful process.

Natural birthing is not only about having a drug-free birth, its about making the mother the centre of the birthing process.

Now, Pantai Hospital Kuala Lumpur and Island Hospital are hospitals that provides water birth in Malaysia.

Have u heard of VTE?

The New VTE treatment

What is VTE (venous thromboembolism)?

Formation of a blood clot or thrombus in the vein, which may block the vein or rupture and lodge elsewhere in the body, such as artery. Severe VTE may lead to DVT (deep vein thrombosis). This happens when clots damage the leg veins, causing leg discomfort, swelling and pulmonary embolism (PE). Furthermore, VTE can also occur over a long-term period, contributing towards patient morbidity.

M’sia’s statistic

VTE often develops without notice until it is too lategeneral. Without the use of prophylaxis or preventive therapy, up to 60% of patients undergo orthopaedic surgery may develop DVT and up to 10% of this patient group are at risk for PE.


For normal people, blood thinners (anticoagulants) are the main treatment for VTE. There are also several options available. For example, heparin is given through a small tube placed into a vein (intravenous catheter) and requires blood tests and dosage adjustment at least daily. Warfarin is an anticoagulant that comes in pill form, but it requires testing and dose changes every few days to weeks. Low-molecular –weight heparins (LMWHs) are given by injection under the skin and do not require testing and dosage adjustments. These same drugs also treats PE. Another way of treatment is by wearing compression or support stockings may help prevent chronic leg pain and swelling after DVT.
For bone cancer patient, a total knee replacement is the method for treatment. Total hip and knee replacement are highly successful operation and they are able to change people’s lives. Patient who undergo this treatment will have to consume anticoagulant for between 35 – 40 days after surgery. There are 2 ways of anti-coagulant, it can be taken orally or through intravenous. As for oral treatment, MAKE SURE you DO NOT miss it or take food that would counteract the drugs, as it can lead to problems. While injection is much more easier, but injecting requires help, if you are not careful, you might feel more pain.
A study has conducted in M’sia among 88 patients who had undergo surgery for total knee replacement and fracture of the proximal femur with no prophylaxis, found that 55 patients, showed evidence of DVT. The prevalence was highest after total knee replacement followed by total hip replacement and least in the fracture group.

* PE : clots are carried by the flow of blood through veins to the lungs, thereby blocking circulation.

Dear Readers

Aloha everyone..

It has been quite awhile since my last update..

I shall reanounce, this blog will officially re-launch again for variety of health sciences related issue..

Thank you for supporting


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

six super food every women need

super food #1 low fat yogurt
goal - 3-5 servings per week

super food #2 fatty fish - salmon, sardine, mackerel
goal - 2-3 servings per week

super food #3 beans
goal - 3-4 servings per week

super food #4 tomatoes, watermelon, red grapefruit, red navel oranges
goal 3-5 serving per week

super food #5 vitamin D fortified low fat milk or orange juice
goal : atleast 400 IU of vit D daily

super food #6 berries
goal: 3-4 servings per week

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

12 natural ways to reduce wrinkles

1 Avoid the sun - number 1 CAUSE!!
2 Wear sunscreen - protect u from skin cancer and pfcos it looks cool!!
3 Don smoke - it release an enzyme that breaks down ur collagen and ur skin elastin.
4 Get enough adequate sleep - if u don get enough sleep excessive of cortisol hormone will be produced and breaks down skin cells.
5 Sleep on your back - sleep on ur side increases wrinkles on your cheek and chin.
6 Don squint, get reading glasses - overwork facial muscles, forming a groove within the skin surfaace eventually becomes wrinkles.
7 Eat more fish - ( cold water fish ) building blocks of great skin.
8 Eat more soy - helps protect and heals some of the sun's photoaging.
9 Trade coffe or cocoa - cocoa containing high level of 2 flavanols which protected skin from sun damage.
10 Eat more fruits and vegetables - need i eleborate more?
11 Use mosturizer - skin that is moist simply looks better
12 Dont over wash your face - natural barrier oil on your skin protect againts wrinkles

Sunday, March 8, 2009

have you? Do you? R you?

Have you got ur blood test for the past 2 yr?

Do you even know what is your blood type?

When was the last time u had your body check up?

Do you know what are the compulsary injection and medication to take for your own good?

Do you even know what are the consequences for not taking prevention?

hahaha scared? i am not to scared you but remind you!!!