Monday, November 9, 2009


Do you know what is Corpus Luteum?

What is Corpus Luteum?

It is a type of ovarian cyst, whereby fluid is collected within the ovary and is surrounded by a thin wall. They will occur at the end of a women’s menstrual cycle. This type of cyst occur when an egg is released from the follicle. It usually found during an ultrasound scan or during routine pelvic exam.


Usually cyst exist without exhibit any symptoms. It can occur in women of any age but most often affect women who are in their childbearing years. Ranging size from 2cm – 6 cm or more in diameter.


In some cases, corpus luteum cyst may expand by filling with blood or liquid and attach itself to the ovary. However, the corpus luteum cyst may still exhibit no symptoms, but it may grow, bleed or twist the ovary. Therefore, it will cause pain in the pelvis or the abdomen and may require surgery.

Corpus luteum cyst also have the potential to rupture, which would cause sudden and sharp pain and some internal bleeding.

What you should and shouldn’t

In most cases, daily activities can still be maintained and the women’s life will not be affected. Medical professionals may recommend avoiding sex until the cyst has resolved itself, because sex may cause a corpus luteum cyst to rupture. Otherwise, you should discuss any questions or concern with a medical professional to understand more about it.

Facts about ovarian cyst.

Ovarian cysts are harmless and benign
Varies in size. It usually ranged from pea to grapefruit-sized

Dear readers,

I have recently diagnosed with corpus luteum cyst which situated in the ovary. The function of corpus lutuem is to release mature follicle ( egg ) from the ovary into the uterus every month for fertilization. If fertilization occurs, corpus luteum will continue to supply nutrient to the egg untill is fully embed into the uterus wall. Corpus luteum will then degenerate after placenta is fully develop and able to supply nutrient to the growing embryo.

However, if fertilization did not occur, corpus luteum will eventually degenerates. In my case, it didn't, as much as it continue to grow, fluid begin to accumulate and it grow bigger, blood pool is also acumulated inside. As i mentioned corpus luteum cyst is harmless. It will subside within 3 weeks, as well as the range of size. In my case, it did not subside, it grow more than a normal range (5.24 by 5.36 cm in diameter) resulting it to rupture and this is very dangerous.

From my experience, i did not felt massive pain, is only when in the toilet, and after food the pain will contract. By right, information given from doctor saying that i should have massive or even unexplained terrible pain due to the rupture cyst. Well, i guess i have been blessed from the god. Therefore, surgery had to be done right a way, before the blood pool spread into other organ.

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