Sunday, November 15, 2009

Good night readers..

Just before you head to your slumber..
There’s something I would like to share..

What does a good night sleep means to you?
Sleeping from pm to am and to pm?
If this is your answer.. pls think again..

A good night sleepmeans waking up rested and energized. A healthy adult needs between six – eight hours of sleep, according to Dr Ravi Seshadri, a sleep expert and clinical director of MD Specialist Healthcare at the Paragon Medical Centre in Singapore. However, too much sleep in adults may cause several health disease.

The amount of sleep takes to rejuvenate varies from person to person. Therefore, is not the length of sleep is important but the quality of sleep is the factor. After a prolonged period of losing sleep, it turns to sleep debt and recovery will take much longer than the actual hours lost. Losing a couple of hours of sleep for several nights is enough for you to recover.

Do you know how many people have sleep troubles?
Let me tell you, a recent AC Nielsen poll found that 40percent of Asians go to bed only after midnight. According to Gallop International’s World-wide Sleep Index M’sians Sleep only 6 hr n 36min.

Dear Readers,

Do you know how important is a good night sleep? Sleep is imperative to maintain your health. Without it, you might increase a array of health problems, including stroke, obesity, diabetes and etc. not getting enough sleep can also compromise your immune system. Immune system works best when you’re asleep. This is when your natural killer cells are produced (part of immune system).

Insufficient sleep may affect 3 hormones that can contribute to obesity. 1st, leptin, an appetite suppressing hormone found in our fat and its levels are regulated during sleep. Then, there’s ghrelin, which triggers appetite and increases with deprivation. Our bodies then produce more of the stress hormone cortisol, which increases fat storage.

Tips for a better sleep

- make sure your room is quiet and your bed is comfortable.
- Get up and go to bed at the same time everyday.
- Limit your caffeine consumption and nicotine use.
- Eat dinner atleast 2 – 3hrs before bedtime- it’s more difficult to fall asleep during night if your body is still breaking down the food you ate. However, a light snack before bedtime may be helpful.
- Exercise regularly. Physical activity done early in the day may promote deeper, better quality sleep. Too vigorous exercise just before bedtime may delay sleep.

If you have trouble getting sleep or staying asleep:

- Don’t toss and turn for longer than half an hour – get up and do something calming such as reading.
- Develop a relaxing presleep ritual – have a glass of warm milk or herbal tea or take a warm bath.
- Get treatment for any medical problems that may contribute to sleep troubles, such as sleep apnea and restless leg syndrome.

Myths and Facts About Organ Donation

There’s something I would personally share with all readers about some myths and rumours about organ donation. I believe there are lots of people out there would love to help, but they are not sure about their question in mind. I believe these are some common myth that restricted people from being an organ donor.

Myth 1 – Doctors won’t try to save your live if they know you are a donor.

Fact 1 - False, the medical staff trying to save lives is completely different from the transplant team. The question of organ donation will arise only after all efforts to your life have been exhausted.

Myth 2 – People can still recover from brain death.

Fact 2 - People can recover from comas, but not brain death. Both are not the same. Brain death is final.

Myth 3 – I am too old to donate organ.

Fact 3 - People of all ages can donate organs and tissue. Physical condition, not age, is important factor in determining if organs can be used.

Myth 4 – Organ donation will disfigure me and delay my funeral

Fact 4 - False, the organ are removed in sterile operation undertaken by skilled surgeons. The donor is treated at utmost respect and dignity. When the procedure is finished, the wound is closed just like ordinary operation. The entire process is done quickly to preserve the organ and will therefore not delay a funeral.

Myth 5 – organ donation is against my religion.

Fact 5 - all major religions support organ donation as a selfless, charitable act.