Sunday, October 26, 2008

Vulkan Knee Supports

Almost every sports competitor I’ve ever spoken to has suffered from a knee injury at some stage or other. I’ve heard complaints about everything from a nagging pain in the knee whilst running, to chronic injuries that have put athletes (including some of my football teammates) out for entire seasons. Continuing to compete with a knee injury, no matter how small, can exacerbate the problem and prolong your recovery by weeks or even months.
If you’re one of these athletes that struggle with knee pain, I thought you might like to know about these knee supports I found at They’re designed to support the patella area of the knee, which is the source of pain for many a sore or swollen knee and they’re made by Vulkan, a well-known and reputable brand.
Wearing a knee support such as these will enable you to keep on playing without doing further damage to your knee, and they’re designed to help you recover faster. Best part is they’re under £30! (I also noticed on their website that Mobilis are throwing in a Free Vulkan sports water bottle with every order!).

Friday, September 19, 2008

How to Prepare Your Biomechanics for Sport and Exercise

Biomechanics and Sports Injury Prevention

Irrespective of the sports you perform, the type of training or exercise you do, or indeed at what level, preparation of your biomechanics is an important part of your training program and is essential to compliment your physiological and functional training and screening.

The practical application of biomechanical screening can be used as an integral part of a sports injury prevention and management program, a conditioning program for optimal performance and is the basis upon which a functional training program and a sports conditioning program can be delivered safely and most effectively.

Sports Conditioning for Functional Training

Functional training prepares you for training functionally, but what prepares you for functional training? Functional training has its origins in rehabilitation and has been around for 40 years or more. In this time we have established that biomechanical screening is a critical precursor to functional screening and functional training, otherwise you simply continue to experience problems. As the functional concepts start to become more widely accepted in fitness, coaching and conditioning fields, it is important to recognize that the biomechanical screening has not yet followed into these arenas. Functional and biomechanical screening and training are very important aspects of an overall conditioning program for any sport or activity and are complimentary in every way. For example, there are many people who pass a functional screen, yet fail a biomechanical screen. They detect different factors, both of which are important to the trainer.

Sports Injury prevention

There are many causes of injury ranging from poor technique, poor ‘core’ strength, poor preparation, insufficient range of movement in the relevant structures and many others. Your correct biomechanical function is also a critical factor, but is generally less understood. A biomechanical screen will highlight the flaws in your pelvic, shoulder and knee function, as well as check whether you have any low grade muscle spasm in key muscles, which may be restricting both movement and the correct functioning of a joint. In addition a biomechanical screen will check your nervous system and highlight any problems that may cause your body to compensate and break down. For example, a rotated pelvis causing a functional leg length discrepancy can result in a variety of different injuries depending upon how you compensate. It can cause lower back pain, knee pain, shin pain, hamstring injuries, even foot pain. By screening issues like pelvic function, the risk of many of these injuries can be significantly reduced.

Sports Injury management

Sports therapists are becoming increasingly skilled at being able to diagnose and treat injury. One factor that is now recognized to compliment that process is the understanding of biomechanics. The kinetic chain and how structures relate to each other in biomechanical terms can have a profound affect on outcomes. For example, a player with ‘non-specific’ groin pain which had been failed to be diagnosed despite specialist consultation and MRI scanning was treated successfully by working on the biomechanical function of his opposite shoulder. The body is an integrated system and all of its component parts affect each other in ways that we hadn’t fully appreciated. So if you have a person with a sports injury that is failing to respond to treatment, chances are there is a biomechanical cause somewhere else in the body that is loading that susceptible area. Finding the biomechanical cause can be critical in getting that person back to sport and importantly minimizing the risk of recurrence.


If you have ever wondered how some athletes, having competed for years, suddenly improve their performance to world class standards, you now have the answer in your hands. Inside this report you’ll find the latest training procedures used by the world’s top athletes and sports people to boost performance to international levels.

In this report: exercises guaranteed to increase your strength, stamina, fitness and speed

  • Your first step to boosting your performance: drop those out-of-date exercise routines
  • Be specific! Why selective training techniques produce better results
  • Exploding the myth of ‘hard training’: don’t rely on long, tough workouts to attain peak performance
  • Increase strength and power by altering the way your muscles are controlled by the nervous system
  • Improve your fitness, including your speed, endurance and work capacity, while at the same time having fun and introducing variety into your regular routine
  • Free Coaches' Training Secrets Report

Monday, September 8, 2008

The Wonder of Water

It’s probably the best-kept secret in the rehab book: water is unbeatable as a way of getting back to fitness -- safely, securely and fast. You just need to know how to use it. In the new Sports Injury Bulletin, we give you the authoritative low-down on WHY water works so well and HOW to make it work for your clients, so they can come back from injury fitter and faster.
It’s pretty well known that if you want to reduce impact on say, a broken leg or badly sprained ankle, a water workout will reduce the loading on that limb. But there’s so many more advantages to water. Such as:
-increased proprioceptive demand, by using turbulence and current
-increased resistance, because of water’s greater density
-decreased eccentric demand on the muscles
-increased stability
Consider just two universal problems of early-stage rehab for almost any lower-limb injury: swelling and loss of proprioception. As the article explains:
”Swelling is often a major problem of injury and can restrict the exercise prescription. With swelling, there is usually also a reduction in neural firing within the musculature around the injury site. This can leave a legacy of problems with stabilisation and firing patterns when we are preparing to get the rehabilitating athlete back to full function. So swelling needs to be addressed early on.
“When a limb is immersed in water it is under higher pressure than on land. This can be beneficial in two ways for early-stage rehab: it may help reduce swelling at the injury site (especially helpful for, eg, contu¬sion, sprain or post-operative injury sites); and it reduces the risk of new, or increased swelling arising from the exercise.”
Or consider proprioception, the foundation of good balance. It’s the key to effective rehab for any foot or ankle injury, and an essential component of any lower-limb or hip injury rehab. Standing on one leg on land only gets you a small way towards recovery of this complex function, because the therapist or trainer cannot easily create random movement to challenge the body’s proprioceptive responses. In water, as we explain, this becomes easy:
“The therapist can create specific current direction or speed. An excellent example is to hold standard flat floats perpendicularly under the water to create maximum resistance and then push them towards the athlete to create current. Alternatively they can be pulled away to make a ‘suction’ current from around the athlete. This pulls the athlete towards the person with the float, changing the nature of the proprioceptive demand.”
SIB’s clear and knowledgeable briefing looks at:
-how to control eccentric loading,
-how to conduct stability training, and even
-how to undertake very effective plyometric work in water – allowing your athletes to start to regain explosive power without having to wait until the late stages of their land-based rehab.
It’s also an ideal way to introduce plyometrics safely to novices.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

How Weak Buttocks Ruin the Runner

“The gluteus medius should be considered in every running injury.”

This is the opening statement of Sean Fyfe in his recent (and now best selling) Sports Injury Bulletin report into exactly how weak buttocks ruin the runner.

“The gluteus medius should be considered in every running injury.”

This is the opening statement of Sean Fyfe in his recent (and now best selling) Sports Injury Bulletin report into exactly how weak buttocks ruin the runner.

This brilliant report is available to you today, free with Gold Membership to Sports Injury Bulletin.

An experienced Australian sports physio and regular contributor to SIB, Fyfe explains his thinking:

“So many athletes with running overuse injuries of the lower limb present with poor gluteus medius function that I have come to the view that the strength and function of this muscle is probably the most important active component in the achievement of a biomechanically efficient running technique.”

The deep-lying gluteus medius muscle is normally associated with movement, but as your free report into the subject points out, its key role in running is to act as a stabilising force, to slow the downward drive of the pelvis on the opposite side during stance phase.

This pelvic restraint prevents excessive hip sway or roll of the type that is classically known as “Trendelenburg gait”.

But even short of the tell-tale waddle of a Trendelenburg, there are various adaptations that runners make to compensate for weakness in gluteus medius.

All these various compensations can herald potentially chronic injury for the runner, including shin splints and Achilles tendinitis.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Are a shoe obssession?

Yes.. i am... i was doin research about arthrithis d other day in the library.. sum how it link me to a shoe fashion site.. as a female.. i got tempted so i click on it.. here's sum links to show how obssession are you to shoes..

ps.. get me one of those...

Monday, August 4, 2008

Protect, Nourish and Regenerate your liver

The liver..
The largest internal organ in the body
plays a roleas the major detoxification organ
Protect the body from harmful toxins

An overburdened / Sluggish liver can be caused by

over eating on refined carbohydrates, fried and oily food
Long term dependence on medication
Unhealthy habit such as smoking and heavy alcohol consumption
Exposure to toxis chemicals such as pesticides, herbicides and household spray
viral infection.

Symptoms of sluggish liver
dark and puffy eye bag
Skin rashes and inflammation
Bad breath and body odour
Indigestion bloating
Fatigue and tiredness
Uneven skintone and age spots
Elevated LDL cholestrol, reduced HDL cholestrol and elevated triglcerides levels

Milk thistle

Cleanses and detoxifies an overburdened and stagnant liver
able to strengthen a weak liver
Active ingredient: silbin, acts as an antooxidant to prevent free radical damage
The active ingredient is widely used in europe to treat amanita mushroom poisoning and have reduced mortality rates by 60-80%
Stimulate the growth of new liver cells to replace old damaged cells
Exerts both a protective and restorative effect on the liver

Dandelion Root
As a general tonic and has blood cleansing properties
It increases bile production and bile flow: consistantly helping to encourage a steady elimination of toxins
It may be beneficial in improving conditions associated with liver health

What is Blood Sugar Imbalance

Blood sugar level imbalance is a condition in which the body does not handle glucose effectively. Insulin is a hormone responsiblefor keeping the blood sugar levels between the normal, desired range.
In blood sugar imbalance, both insulin and glucose remain high in bloodand some cells stay deficient in glucose. Low insulin productionleads to blood sugar imbalance that can be a precursor to diabetes mellitus. Therefore, it is important to address the contributory factors before the condition develops futher..

Factors causing blood sugar imbalance
  • Diet rich in refine carbohydrate or sugar
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Excess weight
  • Stress
  • Genetic influence
Symptoms of blood sugar imbalance
  • Headache
  • Poor memory and concentration
  • Irritability or mood swing
  • Increased appetite
  • Craving for sweet
  • Fatigue
  • Weakness
Why control ur blood sugar level?
  • Nerve damage
  • Reduce visual accuity
  • Cardiovaskular disease
When a high level of blood glucose are prevent for years , it leads to damage a small body vessels. This in turn increases your risk of developing complication..

Sunday, August 3, 2008

What must be check as a wushu athlete before u enter the court?

Always remember to bring some snacks whenever u go for competition...

Always write down wot u need to take/ prepare few days before ur competition..

Alright people.. Lets see wot must u do before entering the court.. or so called war stand..
Firstly.. u have to check if ur costume buttons are button up properly..
Second.. if u r a gurl check if ur scrunchies or wotever u used to tied ur hair are secured enough..
Thirdly.. check ur costume's belt... if it is tight enough...
Finally.. check if ur shoelace is well secured..

Oh ya~~ for those using weapons do check if ur weapon is in a good condition...

Friday, August 1, 2008

How to deal wif scar care?

What is Scar?
When the dermis of the skin is damaged, the body will naturally produce collagen fibres as part of the healing process. These fibred form a scar, which has different texture and quality form ordinary skin.
Scars form after a wound is completely healed.

Many types of scars..
If there is too much collagen produced during wound healing, keloid scars or hypertrophic scars occur. Simply put, a keloid is a raised scar which can be tender, freqently painful and somtimes having a burning sensation.
Some scars appeared sunken pr pitted.These usually occur when the underlying structures- fat or muscles- are lost, such as surgical or acne scars.
When the skin stretches rapidly- during pregnancy or growth spurts- and is under tension, scars can form too.

Hiding ugly Scars..
Although scars can't be erased, there are many ways to minimise their appearance, the Americans Academy of Dermatology says. The academy recommends a consultation between the patient and the dermatologist to decide the best treatment.

Here's a list of possible treatment option:
  • Dermabrasion- a machine is used to remove the top layer of skin.
  • Surgical scar reversion- best suited for wide or long scars, a method of removing a scar and rejoining the normal skin.
  • Laser surfacing- a method of removing acne and chicken pox scars that involves high-energy light to remove damaged skin.
  • Soft tissues fillers- injectable collagen used to elevate indented , soft scars.
  • Punch grafts- small pieces of normal skin used to replace damaged skin.
  • Chemical peels- the use of a chemical to remove the top layer of skin to smooth scars.

MPS for scars

There's a new ingredient available: mucopolysaccharides polysulphate (MPS). MPS is a special substances close to the natural properties for our skin. Once applied topically on to scar, MPS penetrates directly into the skin- to the site with the disorder- to enhance moirture absorption and prevent thickening of skin tissue (scar). The good news? Less obvious scars and more confident you!!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

EBENE bio-ray product
quick click the above link to check it out.. mainly to athletes whom suffer from sports injuries...
i'm wearing one now.. ankle guard sold in any pharmacies but if u r a member of caring, u have 10% of discount... its RM 135 original price.. it is oso helpful to elderly.. in this link u can able to read some testimonials about how effective the products are..

Functions of Bio-Ray
  • Bio- Ray is a low- level radiation formed by natural material blended with many natural minerals elements and trace mineral elements. Bio-Ray emits a low-level radiation, whose frequency is between 4- 16 microns, similar to that of Far Infared rays from the sun.
  • Bio- Ray emits an energy ray that can penetrate deeply into the flesh and bone of the human body, enhance the supply of oxygen and also stimulate the circulation of blood and oxygen to burn aay more fats, thus creating more energy to relieve pain and revitalize the body cells and organs..

Efficiantcies of Bio-Ray
  • promotes blood and oxygen circulation
  • Enhance metabolism, building up physical and mental strength
  • Rejuvenates cells and slow down ageing
  • Helps eliminate toxic elements in body
  • Helps to relieve rheumatism, arthritis, swealling and pain
  • Helps in body slimming
  • Promotes sound sleep

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