Thursday, July 31, 2008

EBENE bio-ray product
quick click the above link to check it out.. mainly to athletes whom suffer from sports injuries...
i'm wearing one now.. ankle guard sold in any pharmacies but if u r a member of caring, u have 10% of discount... its RM 135 original price.. it is oso helpful to elderly.. in this link u can able to read some testimonials about how effective the products are..

Functions of Bio-Ray
  • Bio- Ray is a low- level radiation formed by natural material blended with many natural minerals elements and trace mineral elements. Bio-Ray emits a low-level radiation, whose frequency is between 4- 16 microns, similar to that of Far Infared rays from the sun.
  • Bio- Ray emits an energy ray that can penetrate deeply into the flesh and bone of the human body, enhance the supply of oxygen and also stimulate the circulation of blood and oxygen to burn aay more fats, thus creating more energy to relieve pain and revitalize the body cells and organs..

Efficiantcies of Bio-Ray
  • promotes blood and oxygen circulation
  • Enhance metabolism, building up physical and mental strength
  • Rejuvenates cells and slow down ageing
  • Helps eliminate toxic elements in body
  • Helps to relieve rheumatism, arthritis, swealling and pain
  • Helps in body slimming
  • Promotes sound sleep

Now playing: Elliott - Leona
via FoxyTunes

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