Monday, August 4, 2008

Protect, Nourish and Regenerate your liver

The liver..
The largest internal organ in the body
plays a roleas the major detoxification organ
Protect the body from harmful toxins

An overburdened / Sluggish liver can be caused by

over eating on refined carbohydrates, fried and oily food
Long term dependence on medication
Unhealthy habit such as smoking and heavy alcohol consumption
Exposure to toxis chemicals such as pesticides, herbicides and household spray
viral infection.

Symptoms of sluggish liver
dark and puffy eye bag
Skin rashes and inflammation
Bad breath and body odour
Indigestion bloating
Fatigue and tiredness
Uneven skintone and age spots
Elevated LDL cholestrol, reduced HDL cholestrol and elevated triglcerides levels

Milk thistle

Cleanses and detoxifies an overburdened and stagnant liver
able to strengthen a weak liver
Active ingredient: silbin, acts as an antooxidant to prevent free radical damage
The active ingredient is widely used in europe to treat amanita mushroom poisoning and have reduced mortality rates by 60-80%
Stimulate the growth of new liver cells to replace old damaged cells
Exerts both a protective and restorative effect on the liver

Dandelion Root
As a general tonic and has blood cleansing properties
It increases bile production and bile flow: consistantly helping to encourage a steady elimination of toxins
It may be beneficial in improving conditions associated with liver health

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